Celebrating National Take Back the Lunch Break Day - GoodKind

Celebrating National Take Back the Lunch Break Day

Why should you celebrate National Take Back the Lunch Break Day?

Well... Jesus did.

Ok, we’re kidding. A little. It probably didn’t look like what we’re doing today, but if
you read the Gospels (especially the Gospel of Luke), Jesus seems to do a lot of
eating with folks. He’s always at a meal, coming from a meal, or on the way to a
meal. Our kind of guy.

Eating with people is a practice that helps you engage—with God and each other.
There’s something special about sitting down with people for the sole purpose of
enjoying food and enjoying one another. It’s like we were made for this.
From the beginning, this is what God’s people have done. One of the early
examples comes from the book of Exodus. God lays out his covenant with Israel
and then calls them to worship. How did they worship? Great question.

“Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel went up, and they saw the God of Israel.... And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God, and ate and drank.” (Exodus 24:9-11)

They saw God, and they worshiped... by sharing a meal. More than seventy of
them. Glorifying God together, engaging–with God and each other.

We were made to stop and enjoy God and each other. And working through lunch
(in an office or at home with kids) is a big miss of a great opportunity. So take back the lunch break with us!

We know you’re busy. We know you’re in a hurry. We feel it too. But for one day,
one lunch break, we can all stop and enjoy God, each other... and food.

Block your calendar on June 17. Invite 2-3 friends to join you. Stop all your work,
even if only for a lunch break, and enjoy God’s good work—his provision and his

Three Steps to Celebrating National Take Back the Lunch Break Day:

Alright, you in? Good.

This may seem simple, but we’re committed to helping you see this through.

Follow along with us.

Step 1: Add it to your calendar. (The links make it easy.)
Take Back the Lunch Break Day on June 17.

Step 2: Pick a place. (Don’t stress. It’s just one lunch.)
Somewhere close to your home or office is ideal. Pick somewhere where you can
easily carry a conversation with people.

  • Don’t forget to add some margin for travel time.
  • Add the location to your calendar invite.

Step 3: Pick your people. (Seriously, text them now. You will thank us.)
Pick 2-3 friends. Then invite them to join you! Want to make it super easy? Copy
and paste this below as a text message. Then send that puppy.

“Hey! I’m celebrating National Take Back the Lunch Break Day on June 17! I want you to take a real lunch break (no work allowed) and join me. I’m sending the calendar invite over now— it has all the info. Let me know if you can make it!”

FAQs (Read these, even if you don't have questions!)

Can I talk about work?
Yes, but only if you are with someone who is not your coworker. And even then, it’s not recommended. (Who really needs to know about your data management, Keith?)

Can I talk about my family?
Hundo p. Love that.

What if I’m a stay at-home-mom?
This is for you just as much as someone who works at an office or a
classroom or a construction site. Phone another mom friend and head to
that Chick-fil-a with the play place. It’s basically free babysitting.

Can I have my kids with me?
Absolutely! But make sure you pick a place that's conducive to kids play,
conversation, and eating preferences (for your own sake).

Can I have my phone out?
Only for pictures of your family. Maybe your dog. No snakes or turtles, please.

Are there topics that are off-limits?
We’ve already talked about work. Covid. Don’t do that. Not our first choice
of conversation starters.

Are there specific people I should take?
We think it’d be great to take some coworkers, friends, or neighbors! We
don’t generally recommend taking strangers, you know, #awkward.

What if I don’t know what to talk about?
We find the weather to be a lovely first topic, don’t you? But if you disregard
the question above, maybe start with their name.

What if I can’t decide where to eat?
Invite someone who can. If all else fails, Google search, “lunch near me” and
pick the third option. Done. You’re welcome.

What day is it again?
June 17. Friday, June 17. Friday, the 17th of June, 2022.

Can it be outside?
Only if the temperature is in the mid 70’s to mid 80’s. Let’s not be
miserable, people. If sunscreen is necessary, it’s a no.

Are people really asking these questions?
Maybe. Maybe not. But you’ve had a good time, haven’t you?

Last but not least: Should we pray?
We think so! Pray as the Spirit leads, but if you’re looking for some ideas,
we've provided a prayer here for you.


A Prayer

God of provision, of blessing, and beauty,
Thank you for this opportunity to engage with you and with one another.
We worship you today, saying,
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (Psalm 103:2,
We praise you for all you have made, and all you have done.
Help us to create and cultivate—like you,
And help us to stop all of our work and enjoy all of yours.
“Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
Praise the Lord, all his works, everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the Lord, my soul.” (Psalm 103:21-22)
Let our time together encourage one another and glorify you.


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